Recently Added Document
- Passing on the Polio legacy- Social Mobilization Network Deployment to new locations
- Guidelines for the use of the Communication kit for the tOPV to bOPV SWITCH
- tOPV to bOPV SWITCH FAQs for Cold Chain Handlers and ANMs-English
- tOPV to bOPV FAQs for Cold Chain Handlers and ANMs-Hindi
- tOPV to bOPV SWITCH Fact Sheet-English
- tOPV to bOPV SWITCH Fact Sheet-Hindi
- tOPV to bOPV SWITCH Segregation Tape-Bilingual
- tOPV to bOPV SWITCH job aid for Cold Chain Points-English
- tOPV to bOPV SWITCH job aid for Cold Chain Points-Hindi
- tOPV to bOPV Poster for Cold Chain Points-English
- tOPV to bOPV Poster for Cold Chain Points-Hindi
- E-Brochure: Before the tOPV to bOPV SWITCH
- E-Brochure: After the tOPV to bOPV SWITCH
- SMSes for tOPV to bOPV SWITCH

Date Notification Poster 2 - with Amitabh Bachchan
- Street poster with Bollywood star Amitabh Bachchan advertising a polio immunization round. The slogan reads ‘polio has no cure, two drops every time is the right protection’. The date of the round is given at the top left corner (in this specific case 26-31 June). Along the bottom it reads ‘first five years, give your child two drops every time’. On top right is the polio campaign logo which reads, “protection from polio, two drops for my child every time”. Primary message: polio vaccination
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Date Notification Poster 1 - with Amitabh Bachchan
- Street poster with Bollywood star Amitabh Bachchan advertising a polio immunization round. The slogan reads ‘your love is complete only when your child gets polio drops every time’. The date of the round is at the top left corner. Along the bottom it reads ‘first five years, give your child two drops every time’. On top right is the polio campaign logo which reads, “protection from polio, two drops for my child every time”. Primary message:polio vaccination
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Date Notification Poster - with Chief Minister of West Bengal
- A date notification poster showing the Chief Minister of West Bengal giving polio drops to a child. The main caption says, 'Polio Sunday. Keep your child healthy'. The date of the next polio round is given below (here 19 February 2012). The message below reads, "Protect your child from polio. Till 5 years of age, give your child polio drops every time".
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Emergency Poster
- A poster, with the picture of a polio afflicted child, designed for use during a polio case outbreak - before and during a polio immunization round. Showing a child on crutches is designed to reinforce the threat of polio, in areas that have not seen cases for some time. It’s printed and ready to go in seven different Indian languages. The main message reads ‘there is risk of polio in your area’. The message below it reads, ‘Polio paralyses for life and has no cure. Prevent polio, give OPV to your child every time’. The message in the pink strip at the bottom reads,‘first 5 years, give your child polio drops in every polio round and routine immunization’. On top right is the polio campaign logo which reads, “protection from polio, two drops for my child every time”. Primary message:polio vaccination
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Date Notification Poster - with a baby 2
- Street poster with a baby getting polio drops advertising a polio immunization round. The slogan reads ‘your love is complete only when your child gets polio drops every time’. The date of the round is given on the right side (in this specific case 26-31 June). Along the bottom it reads ‘first five years, give your child two drops every time’. The same message is repeated in both Hindi and Urdu. On top right is the polio campaign logo which reads, “protection from polio, two drops for my child every time”. Primary message: polio vaccination
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Poster on Polio and RI (with a couple and baby)
- Poster on polio and routine immunization, with a couple and their baby. The slogan reads ‘lay the foundation of a healthy future today’. The polio campaign logo is given at the right side top which reads, ‘protection from polio, two drops for my child every time’. Along the bottom it reads ‘protect your child from the 6 life threatening diseases, get them routinely immunized and get them polio drops in every polio round’. Primary message: polio vaccination, routine immunization
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Date Notification Poster - with a baby 3
- Street poster with a baby getting polio drops advertising a polio immunization round. The slogan reads, ‘Polio has no cure. Two drops every time is the right protection’. The date of the round is given on the right side (in this specific case 26-31 June). Along the bottom it reads ‘first five years, give your child two drops every time’. The same message is repeated in both Hindi and Urdu. On top right is the polio campaign logo which reads, “protection from polio, two drops for my child every time”. Primary message: polio vaccination
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Date Notification Poster - with a baby 1
- Street poster with a baby getting polio drops advertising a polio immunization round. The slogan reads ‘lay the foundation of a healthy future today’. The date of the round is given on the right side (in this specific case 26-31 June). Along the bottom it reads ‘first five years, give your child polio drops every time’. It’s bilingual, the same message is repeated in both Hindi and Urdu. On top right is the polio campaign logo which reads, “protection from polio, two drops for my child every time”. Primary message:polio vaccination
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Poster on Routine Immunization
- A poster on routine immunization with the message, "Vaccinate all children under 1 year and protect them against the six life threatening diseases". Immunization is free every Wednesday and Friday at the Health Centre and Anganwadi Centre. The message beside the baby reads, "Because a smiling child is your wish".
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Poster on Breastfeeding
- A poster on breastfeeding which reads, "Give your child mothers milk only". It speaks about early initiation of breastfeeding (including colostrum) and exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months of a child life. The message in pink reads, "Because a smiling child is your wish".
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Doctors Poster
- Poster on polio with a doctor and a child getting polio drops. The main slogan reads ‘come let’s eradicate polio’. In the body of the message, the doctor is telling everyone to get their child under 5 years vaccinated against polio every time, even if the child has been routinely immunized. ‘Polio has no side effects even if given multiple times and can be safely given even if the child is suffering from cough, cold, mild fever or diarrhoea. Polio has no cure, it can only be prevented by giving polio drops multiple times’. The bottom message is a declaration by the doctor which reads, ‘I support the polio campaign. I give polio drops to every child who comes to my clinic during polio rounds. I give polio drops to every child in my family during every polio round. You too do the same’. The doctor’s signature is below this appeal, with the stamp of a polio-free India. This poster was developed in Bangla as part of emergency response to the last polio case reported from West Bengal in 2011 and later translated to Hindi and other languages. The poster is put up at doctor’s clinics calling on parents to get their children under 5 years vaccinated against polio. Primary message: polio vaccination
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Poster on Routine Immunization for School Children
- A poster on routine immunization which comes as a package along with the comic book. It aims to encourage youth participation in the routine immunization campaign. The main message reads, "Vaccinate all children till age 1 and protect them from 7 deadly vaccine-preventable diseases". It also mentions the immunization schedule for infants and pregnant women. It is used by teachers in schools, by CMCs with school children or during adolescent meetings at the community level. The poster is also displayed in classrooms as an ongoing reminder for students.
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Date Notification Poster 01st March 2009 SNID
- A street poster advertising the date of polio round (March 1 Sub-National Immunization Day) with a baby getting polio drops. The message reads, "the most special day in your baby's life". The polio campaign logo (previous logo) is at the left side bottom which reads, "every child, every time, two drops of life". The same message is repeated in Urdu. Primary message: polio vaccination
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Cricketers Poster
- Street poster with three famous Indian cricketers (Mohd Kaif, R P Singh and Suresh Raina) advertising a polio immunization round. It reads '28 June, Polio Sunday, give two drops of life everytime'. Primary message: polio vaccination
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Doctors Poster (Uttar Pradesh)
- A poster on polio with a doctor giving polio drops to a child. The main message reads, "Listen to your doctor. Give your child polio drops to protect from polio". The message below says, " Get your child polio drops in every polio round and during routine immunization. Polio drops every time is the only protection". This poster is put up at doctors' clinics, especially paediatricians' clinics.
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