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Doctors Poster
DescriptionPoster on polio with a doctor and a child getting polio drops. The main slogan reads ‘come let’s eradicate polio’. In the body of the message, the doctor is telling everyone to get their child under 5 years vaccinated against polio every time, even if the child has been routinely immunized. ‘Polio has no side effects even if given multiple times and can be safely given even if the child is suffering from cough, cold, mild fever or diarrhoea. Polio has no cure, it can only be prevented by giving polio drops multiple times’. The bottom message is a declaration by the doctor which reads, ‘I support the polio campaign. I give polio drops to every child who comes to my clinic during polio rounds. I give polio drops to every child in my family during every polio round. You too do the same’. The doctor’s signature is below this appeal, with the stamp of a polio-free India. This poster was developed in Bangla as part of emergency response to the last polio case reported from West Bengal in 2011 and later translated to Hindi and other languages. The poster is put up at doctor’s clinics calling on parents to get their children under 5 years vaccinated against polio. Primary message: polio vaccination
Details19 x 29 inches
Date Created 24-Dec-2012
Categories Polio Immunization Campaigns, Posters, West Bengal , Emergency Preparedness & Response
OfficeNew Delhi
File Type JPEG
File Size 0.35 MB