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DescriptionThese are the two forms in the CMC Field Book, that are duplicated many times. The community mobilization coordinator visits the 300-500 households she is responsible for, and fills out these forms for each of them. The first form lists each house, whether children in the house missed being vaccinated (X-1 means one child was missed, X-2 two children missed) or did receive the vaccine (P-2 means two children were vaccinated). Each child is named, their date of birth recorded, and details about their vaccination. The second form is for tracking pregnant women. When they are pregnant it shows whether they've received the TT (tentanus) shots, then the baby's date of birth, and then whether the baby receives the required routine immunization vaccinations.
Language(s)English (translation)
Details2 Pages
Date Created 2004
Categories Social Mobilization Network, Forms & Tables, Monitoring & Evaluation
OfficeNew Delhi
File Type PDF
File Size 0.23 MB