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DescriptionThis form is filled out each month by the block mobilization coordinator BMC. It summarizes the results of the community mobilization coordinators (CMCs) under his or her supervision, and reports on the BMC's work. There is one row for each CMC, showing the number of houses visited, the number missed by polio vaccinators (X houses), the number of vaccine refusals (XR) and the reasons. The BMC also reports on his or her activities; the number of CMCs and influencers visited, any routine immunization sessions organized, and then monitored, any CMCs appointed, training sessions given, resource maps prepared, partnership meetings attended etc. Form B is given each month to the supervising district mobilization coordinator (DMC).
Details10 pages
Date Created 2004
Categories Forms & Tables, Monitoring & Evaluation
File Type PDF
File Size 0.37 MB