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Feedback Format - District Level Summary
DescriptionThis form is filled out daily by the Surveillance Medical Officer of WHO-NPSP during a polio immunization round, summarizing the information provided in the block level feedback format. It is a snapshot of issues/activities which have come up during monitoring visits by the SMO in the district, and whether district level officers or Superintendent/Medical officer In-charge are present during the meeting. It lists out the departments which have supported vaccination teams in converting refusal houses to accept vaccination, any replacement of vaccinators, any issues related to high risk groups and high risk areas, teams not doing bi-phasic activity or leaving the area early, teams with a high number of houses which have refused vaccination, teams not tracking newborns, teams not doing previous day conversion, details of transit teams and cold chain issues and so on. All the issues are discussed during the daily evening de-briefing meetings held during an ongoing polio round for immediate corrective actions.
Date Created 2005
Categories Polio Immunization Campaigns, Forms & Tables, Uttar Pradesh , Monitoring & Evaluation
File Type JPEG
File Size 0.52 MB