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FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
DescriptionA leaflet on polio with frequently asked questions on polio vaccination, such as, what is polio, why is it given so many times, is it important to give OPV to newborns, why is there so much focus on polio immunization, misconceptions regarding polio vaccine, etc. The message on the front reads, ‘polio campaign – answers to some questions’. The polio campaign logo is given at the right side top and at the back of the folder which reads, ‘protection from polio, two drops for my child every time’. Primary message: polio vaccination, routine immunization
Language(s)Hindi (also available in Urdu, Bangla, Marathi, Gujarati, Punjabi and Telugu)
Date Created 24-Feb-2013
Categories Polio Immunization Campaigns, Other IEC Materials
OfficeNew Delhi
File Type JPEG
File Size 0.39 MB