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DescriptionThis is a sample District Communication Plan of Saharanpur district in west Uttar Pradesh. It lists out social mobilization activities in the district, down to block and community levels. The purpose of the District Communication Plan is to ensure all social mobilization activities of the SMNet are included and to avoid “stand alone” activities and communication plans of partner organizations, which sometimes lead to overlap and duplication of efforts. However, there is the flexibility to plan need-based, locally relevant activities consolidating them in the standardized template. Certain activities such as interface meetings, congregations, events - which need combined operational efforts - specific roles of partners are indicated. It also lists out details of the district SMNet team, including other polio partners working in the district, with further details of presence at the block level.
Details36 pages
Date Created 2010
Categories Social Mobilization Network, Uttar Pradesh , Monitoring & Evaluation
File Type PDF
File Size 0.48 MB