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Cinema Slide 4 - with a polio affected child
DescriptionCinema slide on polio with a polio affected child. This is part of the emergency kit, to be used if there is a case in an area where there has been no case for some time. Showing the child on crutches is to reinforce the threat of polio. The main slogan reads ‘there is risk of polio in your area’. Beneath the message reads, ‘there is no cure for polio, two drops every time is the right protection’. The polio campaign logo is given at the right side top which reads, ‘protection from polio, two drops for my child every time’. Along the bottom it reads ‘get your child under 5 years two drops of the polio vaccine in every polio round’. This slide is displayed by cinema halls before or during the interval break, during an emergency mop-up polio round. Primary message:polio vaccination
Date Created 25-Dec-2012
Categories Other IEC Materials, Emergency Preparedness & Response
OfficeNew Delhi
File Type JPEG
File Size 1.43 MB