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Cinema Slide 1 - with Amitabh Bachchan
DescriptionCinema slide on polio with Bollywood star Amitabh Bachchan. The slogan reads ‘your love is complete only when your child gets polio drops every time’. The polio campaign logo is given at the left side top which reads, ‘protection from polio, two drops for my child every time’. Along the bottom it reads ‘first five years, give your child two drops every time’. This slide is displayed by cinema halls before or during the interval break, during a polio round. Primary message: polio vaccination
Language(s)Hindi, Urdu
Date Created 25-Dec-2012
Categories Polio Immunization Campaigns, Media & Advocacy, Other IEC Materials
OfficeNew Delhi
File Type JPEG
File Size 1.54 MB