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- Passing on the Polio legacy- Social Mobilization Network Deployment to new locations
- Guidelines for the use of the Communication kit for the tOPV to bOPV SWITCH
- tOPV to bOPV SWITCH FAQs for Cold Chain Handlers and ANMs-English
- tOPV to bOPV FAQs for Cold Chain Handlers and ANMs-Hindi
- tOPV to bOPV SWITCH Fact Sheet-English
- tOPV to bOPV SWITCH Fact Sheet-Hindi
- tOPV to bOPV SWITCH Segregation Tape-Bilingual
- tOPV to bOPV SWITCH job aid for Cold Chain Points-English
- tOPV to bOPV SWITCH job aid for Cold Chain Points-Hindi
- tOPV to bOPV Poster for Cold Chain Points-English
- tOPV to bOPV Poster for Cold Chain Points-Hindi
- E-Brochure: Before the tOPV to bOPV SWITCH
- E-Brochure: After the tOPV to bOPV SWITCH
- SMSes for tOPV to bOPV SWITCH
SMNET deployment in other states to support Mission Indradhanush
Unicef India Polio Legacy Short Film
AB video polio free India
The Journey of India's Victory Over Polio - 11 February
The Last Child
Polio Booth Day
The Social Mobilization Network
Religious Leaders
Reaching Every last Child
Going Beyond Polio
The Media Campaign

Migration Form
- This form tracks where the children in migrant families are going when they miss out on polio vaccination. Community and block mobilizers speak to migrant parents when they return to Uttar Pradesh or Bihar. They find out where they have come from, and whether their children received the oral polio vaccine when they were interstate. The form is filled out by the BMC with inputs from the CMC. The results show which locations outside UP and Bihar should be targetted for extra polio vaccination efforts. The results are used to inform government policy.
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Doctors Poster (Uttar Pradesh)
- A poster on polio with a doctor giving polio drops to a child. The main message reads, "Listen to your doctor. Give your child polio drops to protect from polio". The message below says, " Get your child polio drops in every polio round and during routine immunization. Polio drops every time is the only protection". This poster is put up at doctors' clinics, especially paediatricians' clinics.
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Flip Chart for Frontline Workers - Bihar
- Flip chart used by the Social Mobilization Network in Bihar during training of Anganwadi Workers and Panchayat representatives (members of village governing council) on polio. It covers topics such as what is polio, how it spreads, symptoms, how can we prevent polio, salient features of the polio eradication programme in India, why so much focus on the polio programme, the need for repeated polio doses, why some children are affected by polio even after having repeated polio doses, is the polio vaccine safe for children and how to recognize if the oral polio vaccine is safe for use or not.
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District Profile
- District level profiles made from analysed data in charts and graphs showing social mobilization, underserved activities, campaign monitoring and newborn and routine immunization interventions. It is used for communication planning at the block level on a monthly basis or prior to a polio immunization round. Data is fed into the UN software package Dev Info, to generate this profile.
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TV PSA - with Jaya Bachchan
- A TV PSA advertising the National Polio Immunization Day. It features Jaya Bachchan, popular Bollywood actor, calling on people in Uttar Pradesh to get their children vaccinated against polio, so that we may proudly say "Our state is polio-free".
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- A simple cardboard sunvisor used by participants in outdoor activities to promote polio eradication, such as rallies, marches and during door-to-door visits. It has the polio campaign logo (previous logo) in the centre. Mostly used with children in Uttar Pradesh. The sunvisor is designed as per a specific polio brand norm, using the yellow colour prominently.
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Booth Banner
- A banner used at polio fixed-site booths identifying the location and purpose of the booth. It has the polio campaign logo (previous logo) and the message reads, "Polio booth welcomes you". The idea is to help creative a festive atmosphere at the booth, and also to help raise visibility around the location.
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BMC Diary
- It is the key recording, planning and monitoring tool used by the Block Mobilization Coordinator (BMC) . The diary record the work of the 10 - 15 CMCs under the BMC. It summarises the activities of the CMCs, records the results of the polio round including the round report and key indicators. It includes form B and checklists including a daily diary which covers the planning of the BMC.
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The Green Booklet - English Summary
- This is the 'gist' of the green booklet, or a brief English summary of what it says in Urdu. The booklet uses verses from the Koran to promote polio vaccination and other key convergence messages, such as breastfeeding. It was developed with the respected Muslim university Jamia Millia University in Delhi. It is used by community mobilizers to convince families who are refusing the oral polio vaccine for their children on religious grounds.
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Monthly State Level Update
- State offices provides this analyzed data to the district and block levels, and also to the country office, for use in presentations to stakeholders. The update is prepared each month and after every round.
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Feedback Format - Block Level
- A format used by the Surveillance Medical Officer (SMO) of WHO-NPSP in Uttar Pradesh to share block level feedback at the daily evening meetings during a polio round. This is a filled-in format of a block in Meerut district in west Uttar Pradesh. The format has a set of 20 questions on issues/activities during a polio round, which the SMO fills in during/post his/her monitoring visits to different areas and vaccination teams in the block. The information in these block level formats feed into the consolidated feedback format at district level.
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Feedback Format - District Level Summary
- This form is filled out daily by the Surveillance Medical Officer of WHO-NPSP during a polio immunization round, summarizing the information provided in the block level feedback format. It is a snapshot of issues/activities which have come up during monitoring visits by the SMO in the district, and whether district level officers or Superintendent/Medical officer In-charge are present during the meeting. It lists out the departments which have supported vaccination teams in converting refusal houses to accept vaccination, any replacement of vaccinators, any issues related to high risk groups and high risk areas, teams not doing bi-phasic activity or leaving the area early, teams with a high number of houses which have refused vaccination, teams not tracking newborns, teams not doing previous day conversion, details of transit teams and cold chain issues and so on. All the issues are discussed during the daily evening de-briefing meetings held during an ongoing polio round for immediate corrective actions.
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Feedback Report - District Level
- This report is consolidated from block level reports submitted by Field Monitors and prepared by Surveillance Medical Officers of WHO-NPSP. This is a sample report of Saharanpur district in west Uttar Pradesh. The SMO fills in this report daily during an ongoing polio immunization round. It has details of which high-risk groups and areas were covered by vaccination teams on that particular day, what issues have come up or were observed such as which teams closed work before time, or did not go out in the second half of the day (bi-phasic activity) converting refusal houses, new born tracking not done, false conversions reported, replacements in vaccination teams, vaccine distribution and cold chain issues, and so on. The report is shared during the daily evening de-briefing meeting at district level, basis which immediate corrective actions are taken.
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The Green Booklet
- Uses verses from the Koran to promote the oral polio vaccine. The green booklet is given by the community mobilizer when Muslim parents are refusing to vaccinate their children against polio. It was developed by the Muslim university Jamia Millia Islamia University.
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The CMC Field Book - English Translation of Key Pages
- These are the two forms in the CMC Field Book, that are duplicated many times. The community mobilization coordinator visits the 300-500 households she is responsible for, and fills out these forms for each of them. The first form lists each house, whether children in the house missed being vaccinated (X-1 means one child was missed, X-2 two children missed) or did receive the vaccine (P-2 means two children were vaccinated). Each child is named, their date of birth recorded, and details about their vaccination. The second form is for tracking pregnant women. When they are pregnant it shows whether they've received the TT (tentanus) shots, then the baby's date of birth, and then whether the baby receives the required routine immunization vaccinations.
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Form C - CMC Field Book Summary
- The monthly reporting form filled by community mobilization coordinators (CMCs), summarizing their on interpersonal communication activities, polio round activities, and routine immunization, including monitoring of vaccine and status of children and pregnant women. The CMC fills this out once a month, and gives it to her supervising block mobilization coordinator (BMC) who uses it to monitor her work. Some information is summarized and passed up the hierachy for analysis.
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Form B - Block Level Summary
- This form is filled out each month by the block mobilization coordinator BMC. It summarizes the results of the community mobilization coordinators (CMCs) under his or her supervision, and reports on the BMC's work. There is one row for each CMC, showing the number of houses visited, the number missed by polio vaccinators (X houses), the number of vaccine refusals (XR) and the reasons. The BMC also reports on his or her activities; the number of CMCs and influencers visited, any routine immunization sessions organized, and then monitored, any CMCs appointed, training sessions given, resource maps prepared, partnership meetings attended etc. Form B is given each month to the supervising district mobilization coordinator (DMC).
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Form A - District Level Summary
- This form is filled out each month and after each polio immunization round by the district mobilization coordinator (DMC) on a computer, summarizing the information provided in form B by the block mobilization coordinators. It is a snapshot of the social mobilization activities in the district; the number of CMCs and BMCs, the number of children in the target age group, the number of vaccine refusals and the reasons, interpersonal communication work done, polio classes held in schools, details of mosque announcements, routine immunization sessions scheduled, training conducted and meetings attended. The form is sent to the state office, where it is analyzed, and presented back to the district in the form of a district profile and a power point presentation. It allows the DMC to assess the quality of the communication work done, and areas in need of improvement.
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Form A - District Level Summary - Excel Version
- This form is filled out each month and after each polio immunization round by the district mobilization coordinator (DMC) on a computer, summarizing the information provided in form B by the block mobilization coordinators. It is a snapshot of the social mobilization activities in the district; the number of CMCs and BMCs, the number of children in the target age group, the number of vaccine refusals and the reasons, interpersonal communication work done, polio classes held in schools, details of mosque announcements, routine immunization sessions scheduled, training conducted and meetings attended. The form is sent to the state office, where it is analyzed, and presented back to the district in the form of a district profile and a power point presentation. It allows the DMC to assess the quality of the communication work done, and areas in need of improvement.
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CMC Area Round Report
- A CMC area round report filled in at the district level by the SMC during a polio round. It has details of all the BMC areas under the SMC with further details such as the total number of CMCs, number of booths and children vaccinated at booths. It also has report of A Team – total houses visited, total children under 5 years in the houses visited, children vaccinated and ‘X’ (refusal) houses with further break-up of reasons, followed by B Team report. The form also lists out children missed in the particular round. Page 2 of the form lists out segregated ‘X’ report – number of refusal houses generated and remaining in the different blocks of the district.
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The CMC Field Book
- A field book of forms and tables filled out by the Community Mobilization Coordinator as she/he goes house to house. It is used to record data for each household; including where there are children under five living, whether they’ve been vaccinated for polio or received routine immunization, if they were missed then why, where there are babies and pregnant women living and more. It also sets out a monthly work plan for the CMC, and has pages to summarize data that can be torn out and handed over for data collection. Primary message: polio vaccination, routine immunization, data collection
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The CMC Flip Book (Urdu version)
- This is a key tool used by the Community Mobilization Coordinator for interpersonal communication. She uses it to engage with the community during house to house visits, community meetings, and mothers meetings. It has a pictorial storyline to interest the community, with key questions at end of each theme. It is used to explain how the poliovirus is spread, how to prevent it spreading and the importance of vaccinating children with OPV. It also covers routine immunization, handwashing, exclusive breastfeeding, and diarrhea management and their link with Polio eradication. The pictures on one side are shown to the audience, while CMC can read key messages on the side facing her. Primary messages: polio vaccination, routine immunization, handwashing, exclusive breast feeding and diarrhea management.
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TV PSA - with Amitabh Bachchan and Cricketers
- TV PSA with Bollywood star Amitabh Bachchan and National Cricketers advertising the Polio Sub-National Immunization Day on 1st March 2009. In this film, they call on people to take their children under 5 years to the polio booth on 1st March and get them 2 drops of life. Primary message: polio vaccination
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The CMC Flip Book - English Version
- A key tool used by the Community Mobilization Coordinator to engage with the community through house to house visits, community meetings, and mothers meetings. The flip book has a pictorial storyline to interest the community, with key questions at end of each theme. It is used to explain how the poliovirus is spread, how to prevent it spreading and the importance of vaccinating children with OPV. It also covers routine immunization, handwashing, exclusive breastfeeding, diarrhea management and their link with Polio eradication. The pictures on one side are shown to the audience, while CMC can read key messages on the side facing her. Primary message: polio vaccination, routine immunization, hand washing, exclusive breast feeding and diarrhea management.
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High Risk Group Site Map - Slum Site
- This is a map of a high risk area with many slum sites, drawn by the Block Mobilization Coordinator (BMC). This map is of an area in Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh. The BMC carries it and uses it to plan immunization activities. From the map, the BMC knows the key sites to be visited and how far each slum site is from health services. It is constantly updated by the BMC, when new slums spring up
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