Recently Added Document
- Passing on the Polio legacy- Social Mobilization Network Deployment to new locations
- Guidelines for the use of the Communication kit for the tOPV to bOPV SWITCH
- tOPV to bOPV SWITCH FAQs for Cold Chain Handlers and ANMs-English
- tOPV to bOPV FAQs for Cold Chain Handlers and ANMs-Hindi
- tOPV to bOPV SWITCH Fact Sheet-English
- tOPV to bOPV SWITCH Fact Sheet-Hindi
- tOPV to bOPV SWITCH Segregation Tape-Bilingual
- tOPV to bOPV SWITCH job aid for Cold Chain Points-English
- tOPV to bOPV SWITCH job aid for Cold Chain Points-Hindi
- tOPV to bOPV Poster for Cold Chain Points-English
- tOPV to bOPV Poster for Cold Chain Points-Hindi
- E-Brochure: Before the tOPV to bOPV SWITCH
- E-Brochure: After the tOPV to bOPV SWITCH
- SMSes for tOPV to bOPV SWITCH
SMNET deployment in other states to support Mission Indradhanush
Unicef India Polio Legacy Short Film
AB video polio free India
The Journey of India's Victory Over Polio - 11 February
The Last Child
Polio Booth Day
The Social Mobilization Network
Religious Leaders
Reaching Every last Child
Going Beyond Polio
The Media Campaign

TV PSA - with Polio Affected Mobilizer Amit Kishore
- A TV Public Service Announcement on polio which shows a polio afflicted mobilizer Amit Kishore telling his own story. Amit is from Patna, Bihar in India. He says, “As a child when I had cough or cold, my mother’s home remedies immediately helped …. When I got hurt, father would apply ointment on the wound… When I had fever, the doctor’s medicine would make me better…..but when I got afflicted by polio, my parents all attempts to treat me failed. I do not want this to happen to your child, so that’s why I am here today.” Amit is at a polio booth mobilizing parents to get their children two drops of the oral polio vaccine. He is greeted by Amitabh Bachchan, popular Bollywood actor who says, “Lets root out polio. Get your child two drops every time till the age of 5 years”.
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Knowledge Attitude & Practice Survey 2011 - Results Report
- Knowledge Attitude and Practice survey on polio and routine immunization among high risk areas of UP and Bihar. This is the 2011 report. The KAP survey is large scale household survey conducted every year to evaluate communication interventions and see their impact on behaviour change on polio. This is done by professional agency for UNICEF India.
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Hoarding - for Migrants
- Hoarding on polio showing a couple travelling with their children, one of which is a baby and a vaccinator giving polio drops to the baby. The main slogan reads ‘wherever you go, wherever you are, get your child polio drops every time’. The polio campaign logo is given below the main slogan which reads, ‘protection from polio, two drops for my child every time’. Along the bottom it reads ‘first 5 years, two drops for my child every time’. Primary message: polio vaccination
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Hoarding on Polio - with Bihar Chief Minister
- A hoarding on polio with the Bihar Chief Minister giving polio drops to a child. The message reads, "Our goal - a polio free Bihar". The polio campaign logo is given at the right side bottom which reads, "Protection from polio. Two drops for my child, every time".
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Hoarding on Polio - Bihar
- A hoarding on polio, inspired by cricket and the two drops of polio. The message reads, "We need to defeat polio in the match of life and give polio drops to children till the age of 5 years". The polio campaign logo is given at the left which reads, "Protection from polio. Two drops for my child, every time".
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Leaflet for Transit Mobilizers
- A leaflet for transit mobilizers in Bihar with key points on their roles and responsibilities. It also has key 'do's and dont's' and instructions for them on how to interact with parents of children under 5 years they see travelling.
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Date Notification Poster - with a baby 3
- Street poster with a baby getting polio drops advertising a polio immunization round. The slogan reads, ‘Polio has no cure. Two drops every time is the right protection’. The date of the round is given on the right side (in this specific case 26-31 June). Along the bottom it reads ‘first five years, give your child two drops every time’. The same message is repeated in both Hindi and Urdu. On top right is the polio campaign logo which reads, “protection from polio, two drops for my child every time”. Primary message: polio vaccination
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Radio PSA (Popular Programme Format)
- A radio public service announcement (PSA) on polio along the format of a popular radio programme. The voiceover reads out children’s names saying, “All these children have thanked their parents for saving them from Polio. Real champions protect their children under 5 years of age from polio by giving polio drops every Polio Sunday, and help eradicate this incurable disease”. The last message says, “Two drops of life, your child every time”. This PSA was developed as part of the emergency response to the last polio case reported from West Bengal in 2011 and later dubbed in other regional languages.
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Date Notification Poster - with a baby 1
- Street poster with a baby getting polio drops advertising a polio immunization round. The slogan reads ‘lay the foundation of a healthy future today’. The date of the round is given on the right side (in this specific case 26-31 June). Along the bottom it reads ‘first five years, give your child polio drops every time’. It’s bilingual, the same message is repeated in both Hindi and Urdu. On top right is the polio campaign logo which reads, “protection from polio, two drops for my child every time”. Primary message:polio vaccination
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A Paper on the Social Mobilization Network in Uttar Pradesh
- The document describes key role of SMNet functionaries and how community mobilization coordinators (CMCs) are working in the state context and their roles and responsibility towards social mobilization. Prepared by the UNICEF office in Lucknow.
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Converting Dry Latrines in Badaun District of Uttar Pradesh - A Report
- A report on the ‘Conversion of dry latrines to pour flush toilets in Badaun district of Uttar Pradesh’. It captures how the district administration of Badaun, with active support from UNICEF’s Social Mobilization Network, took up the initiative of converting dry latrines to pour flush in 2009. Till a few years back, Badaun had the dubious distinction of the highest number of polio cases in a district. Of the 66 blocks identified as high-risk for polio in Uttar Pradesh in 2010, 16 are in Badaun alone. This report also contains testimonies of district officials, UNICEF mobilizers and community – all telling the story of change.
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Migration Study - In 5 Non-Polio-Endemic States - Key Findings
- Key findings of the migration study in five non-polio-endemic states. Migrants who move in and out of Uttar Pradesh and Bihar are asked about polio, routine immunization and current practices. The findings are used to inform the programme, in particular the mobile and migrant strategy. This is a pdf version of a power point presentation, showing the key findings.
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Hoarding on Polio
- A hoarding on polio with smiling faces of four children, belonging to different religions (Hindu, Muslim, Sikh and Christian) and showing their little finger with the polio inkie. The message reads, "Polio will lose". It is put up at strategic locations across Bihar.
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- A badge on polio with the message 'Polio free Bihar'. It is worn by NCC (National Cadet Corps) volunteers during polio rounds while they support UNICEF's Social Mobilization Network in mobilizing communities for polio vaccination.
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Press Advertisement - Appeal by Indian Medical Association and West Bengal Academy of Pediatrics
- A press advertisement on polio by Indian Medical Association (IMA) and West Bengal Academy of Pediatrics (WBAP). The ad ran in prominent West Bengal dailies during polio rounds in 2011 and 2012 as a response to the last polio case reported from West Bengal. It talks about the Polio situation in India and how we are poised to eradicate it. It calls upon parents and caregivers to get their children upto 5 yrs immunized against polio. The date of the polio round (in this case 29 May) and specific areas where the polio round will take place are given in the ad. It also talks about routine immunization and the importance to get children under 5 years routinely vaccinated. It is signed off by State Chairperson, IMA (West Bengal Chapter) and WBAP (Chairperson and Honorary Editor).
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Poster on Breastfeeding
- A poster on breastfeeding which reads, "Give your child mothers milk only". It speaks about early initiation of breastfeeding (including colostrum) and exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months of a child life. The message in pink reads, "Because a smiling child is your wish".
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Poster on Routine Immunization
- A poster on routine immunization with the message, "Vaccinate all children under 1 year and protect them against the six life threatening diseases". Immunization is free every Wednesday and Friday at the Health Centre and Anganwadi Centre. The message beside the baby reads, "Because a smiling child is your wish".
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Panel on Breastfeeding
- A panel on breastfeeding which reads, "Only breastfeeding for the first 6 months and nothing else". The message below says, "Exclusively breastfeed your child for the first 6 months - do not give honey, sugar water, other milk, infant food, canned milk. Not even water. Mother's milk has adequate water content necessary for the baby. This is used by the SMNet in Bihar for display during community meetings, mothers meetings and at the Anganwadi Centre.
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Leaflet on Routine Immunization
- A leaflet on routine immunization with the immunization schedule for children and pregnant women. The message reads, "Free immunization every Wednesday and Friday at the Health Centre and Anganwadi Centre". The mother is seen carrying her baby and holding the immunization card. This is used by community mobilizers in Bihar as a take away after counseling families and during mothers meetings.
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Doctors Poster
- Poster on polio with a doctor and a child getting polio drops. The main slogan reads ‘come let’s eradicate polio’. In the body of the message, the doctor is telling everyone to get their child under 5 years vaccinated against polio every time, even if the child has been routinely immunized. ‘Polio has no side effects even if given multiple times and can be safely given even if the child is suffering from cough, cold, mild fever or diarrhoea. Polio has no cure, it can only be prevented by giving polio drops multiple times’. The bottom message is a declaration by the doctor which reads, ‘I support the polio campaign. I give polio drops to every child who comes to my clinic during polio rounds. I give polio drops to every child in my family during every polio round. You too do the same’. The doctor’s signature is below this appeal, with the stamp of a polio-free India. This poster was developed in Bangla as part of emergency response to the last polio case reported from West Bengal in 2011 and later translated to Hindi and other languages. The poster is put up at doctor’s clinics calling on parents to get their children under 5 years vaccinated against polio. Primary message: polio vaccination
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Banner on Holi
- A banner on polio developed in Bihar and put up during the festival of Holi (Hindu spring festival of colours). It says, "Holi Greetings". The message below reads, "Have you given your child polio drops?"
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Leaflet on Infant and Young Child Feeding
- A leaflet on infant and young child feeding used by community mobilizers in Bihar. This is given to families and mothers as a take away after mothers meetings and after family counseling sessions. The leaflet has messages on early initiation of breastfeeding, colostrum feeding, exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months and complementary feeding after 6 months. The leaflet is pictorial with key messages which would help mothers and families remember the 'do's and dont's' of infant feeding practices.
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Emergency Monitoring & Evaluation Framework
- Monitoring evaluation framework made Emergency Preparedness and Response plan. This framework guides on outcome, output and process level indicators required for the programme in event of a new polio case, and the kind of role each stakeholders would play before and after mop-up round and level of monitoring required, frequency of data collection, and means of verification for the information. This document has been prepared by NPSP (WHO) and UNICEF.
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Folder for Pilgrims going to Mecca
- A folder given to pilgrims going to Mecca for Haj. Before embarking on the religious journey, all pilgrims need to be vaccinated against polio. The folder has a flap to keep important papers along with information on the Haj journey and also has information on the importance of polio vaccination and routine immunization. This is used by the Social Mobilization Network in Uttar Pradesh.
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Polio Plus Training Manual - for SMNet Line Managers
- A resource manual for line managers with the social mobilization network, to accompany a workshop on the key messages of the polio plus campaign. It's taken away by the line managers, to give them something to refer back to in their ongoing work.
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