Recently Added Document
- Passing on the Polio legacy- Social Mobilization Network Deployment to new locations
- Guidelines for the use of the Communication kit for the tOPV to bOPV SWITCH
- tOPV to bOPV SWITCH FAQs for Cold Chain Handlers and ANMs-English
- tOPV to bOPV FAQs for Cold Chain Handlers and ANMs-Hindi
- tOPV to bOPV SWITCH Fact Sheet-English
- tOPV to bOPV SWITCH Fact Sheet-Hindi
- tOPV to bOPV SWITCH Segregation Tape-Bilingual
- tOPV to bOPV SWITCH job aid for Cold Chain Points-English
- tOPV to bOPV SWITCH job aid for Cold Chain Points-Hindi
- tOPV to bOPV Poster for Cold Chain Points-English
- tOPV to bOPV Poster for Cold Chain Points-Hindi
- E-Brochure: Before the tOPV to bOPV SWITCH
- E-Brochure: After the tOPV to bOPV SWITCH
- SMSes for tOPV to bOPV SWITCH
SMNET deployment in other states to support Mission Indradhanush
Unicef India Polio Legacy Short Film
AB video polio free India
The Journey of India's Victory Over Polio - 11 February
The Last Child
Polio Booth Day
The Social Mobilization Network
Religious Leaders
Reaching Every last Child
Going Beyond Polio
The Media Campaign

India's Triumph Over Polio - Successful Strategies for Stopping Polio in India
- Overview of the key strategies: Leadership and Partnerships: Leadership and commitment at the national, state and local government levels with role clarity among core polio partners to avoid duplication and maximize synergies; and strong partnerships built on trust with local religious leaders, community influencers, NGOs and the media. This made it a people’s program. Planning and Strategizing: Using data to identify and map continually missed groups and communities; and ensuring micro-plans reach every household and every child.
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India Polio Program Transition and Legacy in Action
- The India Polio Program is an amazing public health achievement that many did not think possible in 2009 with India contributing over half of the global polio cases. With polio free certification in 2014, India is now poised to take on the crucial challenge of applying the legacy of the polio program to other convergent health strategies, and to other locations in India. The state governments are preparing to transition polio assets such as the Social Mobilization Network (SMNet) to a government owned, funded and managed setup. The program is transitioning in scope programmatically, geographically, financially and in its human resources management. We are witnessing legacy in action on the ground, applying these assets in routine immunization (RI) and other convergent activities, and documenting the lessons for India and global learning.
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Social Mobilization Network - an overview
- On 27 March 2014, after three years without any polio case, India was officially certified polio free. India’s incredible achievement was the result of strong leadership and commitment of the Government of India and core polio partners: UNICEF, WHO, Rotary International and US Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), CORE and donors such as Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, USAID and Japan. Ultimately, it was the determination by all to reach every single child and community ownership that has kept India polio free. The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) polio program focuses on reaching the most vulnerable, migrant, mobile, underserved and marginalized children in high risk and hard to reach communities. UNICEF’s Social Mobilization Network (SMNet) with over 7,300 community mobilizers and around 55,000 influencers have worked tirelessly to make India polio free. Every national polio round, the SMNet reaches 2.2 million children in some 3 million households. In 2014, transit vaccination teams vaccinated 100,000 children on trains and over 2.5 million children at festivals. In the post certification era, UNICEF continues to work closely with the Government and other partners to maintain zero polio and boost immunity through routine immunization, polio vaccination and other convergent health initiatives.
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Date Notification Poster 1 - with Amitabh Bachchan
- Street poster with Bollywood star Amitabh Bachchan advertising a polio immunization round. The slogan reads ‘your love is complete only when your child gets polio drops every time’. The date of the round is at the top left corner. Along the bottom it reads ‘first five years, give your child two drops every time’. On top right is the polio campaign logo which reads, “protection from polio, two drops for my child every time”. Primary message:polio vaccination
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Date Notification Poster 2 - with Amitabh Bachchan
- Street poster with Bollywood star Amitabh Bachchan advertising a polio immunization round. The slogan reads ‘polio has no cure, two drops every time is the right protection’. The date of the round is given at the top left corner (in this specific case 26-31 June). Along the bottom it reads ‘first five years, give your child two drops every time’. On top right is the polio campaign logo which reads, “protection from polio, two drops for my child every time”. Primary message: polio vaccination
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Undated Street Banner
- Undated street banner used before and during a polio immunization round. The message reads ‘there is no cure for polio, two drops every time is the right protection’. On the right side is the polio campaign logo which reads, “protection from polio, two drops for my child every time”. Primary message: polio vaccination
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Autorickshaw Panel
- Auto rickshaw panels on polio with the message, ‘first 5 years, polio drops for my child every time’. The message on the second auto reads, ‘wherever you go, wherever you are, get your child polio drops every time’. The polio campaign logo is given at the right side bottom which reads, ‘protection from polio, two drops for my child every time’. Primary message: polio vaccination
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Media Fact Sheet - On Polio in India
- A fact sheet on the 'Polio Situation Update in India' with latest facts, figures, data and strategies adopted and implemented by the India Polio Eradication Programme. This is shared with print and electronic media personnel during the media workshops.
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Workshop Agenda - for Radio Jockeys and Radio Producers
- A draft workshop agenda for Radio Jockeys and Programmers of All India Radio (Primary Government Radio Channel) and private FM channels - An Interactive, ‘Hands-on skill-building’ & Experience Sharing Initiative.
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Wall Painting Template
- A wall painting on polio with the message ‘your love is complete only when your child gets polio drops every time’. The polio campaign logo is given at the right side top which reads, ‘protection from polio, two drops for my child every time’. Along the bottom it reads ‘first 5 years, give your child two drops every time’. All the messages appear in Hindi with Urdu.
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Workshop Agenda - for Print Media Journalists
- A draft agenda for a media workshop - an Interactive, ‘Hands-on skill-building’ & Experience Sharing Initiative - with print media journalists.
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Flip Book on 'Polio Plus' for Community Mobilizers - Bihar
- A flip book on polio and polio plus issues covering topics such as what is polio, its symptoms, how it spreads, why is it important to give polio drops every time. It talks about routine immunization (seven vaccine preventable diseases, routine immunization schedule for children and pregnant women); early initiation of breastfeeding and exclusive breastfeeding till the first 6 months of a child's life, complementary feeding; diarrhoea management through ORS and Zinc; handwashing and sanitation. The flip book is used by community mobilizers in Bihar during their interactions with families and during mothers meetings.
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Knowledge Attitude & Practice Survey 2011 - Comparative Fact Sheets
- A large-scale household survey, with 10,000 respondents from the highest risk areas for polio transmission in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar. Parents and caregivers were asked about polio, routine immunization, child feeding practices, diarrhea management, personal hygiene and toilet use. In this booklet the results from 2010 and 2011 are compared to provide information on key indicators and trends, which is used to guide the UNICEF programme.
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Quarterly Training Schedule - West Bengal
- A schedule showing the quarterly training plan for the state of West Bengal.
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Banner for Date Notification - Bihar
- A street banner used in Bihar, announcing the dates of a polio immunization round. Here it gives the date of the round from 18 to 22 April. The logo in the centre reads - "protection from polio, two drops for my child, every time. The text on the left reads - Polio Eradication Campaign. Primary message: polio vaccination
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Press Advertisement (Bihar Sub-National Immunization Round)
- A press advertisement on the polio Sub-National Immunization round in Bihar. It carries images of the Bihar Chief Minister, Deputy Chief Minister and Health Minister. The main message reads, "Our goal - a polio free Bihar". The graph shows the decline in polio cases in Bihar, and the message beneath reads, "Get every child under 5 years polio drops and contribute in rooting out polio". Names of the districts covered during the polio round are given at the bottom.
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Workshop Agenda - Flip Book Training
- A two day agenda used for the training of trainers on interpersonal communication (IPC) and the polio plus CMC flip book. The trainers are then able to deliver one day training to the community mobilization coordinators (CMCs).
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Date Notification Poster - with Chief Minister of West Bengal
- A date notification poster showing the Chief Minister of West Bengal giving polio drops to a child. The main caption says, 'Polio Sunday. Keep your child healthy'. The date of the next polio round is given below (here 19 February 2012). The message below reads, "Protect your child from polio. Till 5 years of age, give your child polio drops every time".
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Banner on Eid
- A banner on polio developed in Bihar and put up during Eid-Milad-un-Nabi (birthday of Prophet Mohammad celebrated by Muslims all over). The message reads, "Is your child protected against polio?" The dates of the next polio round are given (here 19-23 February). The same message is given in both Hindi and Urdu. The polio campaign logo has the message, "Protection from polio. Two drops for my child every time".
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Slides on Media Tonality - Uttar Pradesh
- These are some sample slides from Uttar Pradesh about the in-depth media analysis done in the polio programme. They reflect the current reporting trends on the polio programme at national/state level – whether the stories were positive, negative or neutral. It helps the evaluate issues, messages, advocates and critics of the polio eradication programme, providing answers to questions such as, how are polio and related issues communicated through the print media, what is working and what is not, who are the civil society spokespersons, what are the issues coming up on the media horizon that can be synchronized with the programme, what are the factors that can affect coverage of the programme, etc. It helps understand trends and shifts in perceptions of journalists and opinion makers. Together these elements give valuable insights in identifying communication opportunities and accordingly formulate strategic interventions for improved media and advocacy interventions on polio and related issues.
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Additional Form B - Block Level Summary of Convergence Activities
- This form is filled out each month by the block mobilization coordinators (BMC) working in high risk blocks and submitted to their respective district mobilization coordinator (DMC). It summarizes the results of convergence activities conducted by the community mobilization coordinators (CMCs) under his or her supervision, and reports on the BMC's work. There is one row for each CMC, showing the activities planned and held as per the district communication plan. It also has details of convergence activities such as routine immunization sessions planned, held and missed and reasons thereof, number of RI sessions with adequate availability of vaccines, children immunized against the 6 vaccine preventable diseases, number of families with whom counseling sessions were held on key behaviours, including hygiene & sanitation, breastfeeding, diarrhea management through ORS and zinc, use of iodised salt, etc. The last page of the form has the compiled block level data, hence only one form is filled for the entire block. The DMC assigns one BMC to fill this form on behalf of all BMCs working in the block and supports him in the process.
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Additional Form C - Community Level Summary of Convergence Activities
- The monthly reporting form filled by community mobilization coordinators (CMCs) working in high risk blocks, summarizing convergence activities organized/conducted by them such as routine immunization sessions planned, held and missed, and reasons thereof, number of RI sessions with adequate availability of vaccines, children immunized against the 6 vaccine preventable diseases, number of families with whom counseling sessions were held on key behaviours, including hygiene & sanitation, breastfeeding, diarrhea management through ORS and zinc, use of iodised salt, etc. The CMCs working in high risk blocks fill this out once a month, and give it to their supervising block mobilization coordinator (BMC) who uses it to monitor her work. Some information is summarized and passed up the hierarchy for analysis.
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Polio Gate
- These gates are made with polio banners and erected at key locations to advertise a polio immunisation round. The gate is made on a bamboo framework with banners supplied by UNICEF. Arranging for the gate to be constructed is done with the help local elected representative or PRI.
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Compiled Quarterly Training Calendar
- A calendar to provide an overview of the training being conducted, name wise and sub-region wise. It shows the duration of the training, the date and the person who is responsible for it. The calendar is developed at the state level as a planning and monitoring tool for state offices and for supervisors in Delhi. There are 1-2 pages for each state including Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and West Bengal.
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Game on Polio Plus
- A game on polio plus issues for low and non-literate audiences. It aims to facilitate discussion among women on these key health issues so that they can understand, change their perception and adopt and sustain new behaviours. Using red and green strings, participants identify positive and negative behaviours from a set of visual cards. The women match the card with a green string if the behaviour depicted is correct or a red string if the behaviour is negative/incorrect, giving reasons for their choices. It helps the CMC identify problem areas in her group and assess which key behaviour needs to be changed. It is part of a kit which comprises of a flip book on polio plus issues and a pocket chart. The flip book is largely pictorial and is used by the CMC with women from her community during meetings. The pocket chart comprises of a set of visual cards which are held to a chart through clips. A question card is placed by the CMC and women need to match it with relevant key behaviours. The interactive process enables participating women to recall important polio plus messages discussed during the meeting. For example, if the CMC places a card with the question, “When should you give polio drops to your child?” The images to match this will be booth day and a child being given OPV even during diarrhea.
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