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- Passing on the Polio legacy- Social Mobilization Network Deployment to new locations
- Guidelines for the use of the Communication kit for the tOPV to bOPV SWITCH
- tOPV to bOPV SWITCH FAQs for Cold Chain Handlers and ANMs-English
- tOPV to bOPV FAQs for Cold Chain Handlers and ANMs-Hindi
- tOPV to bOPV SWITCH Fact Sheet-English
- tOPV to bOPV SWITCH Fact Sheet-Hindi
- tOPV to bOPV SWITCH Segregation Tape-Bilingual
- tOPV to bOPV SWITCH job aid for Cold Chain Points-English
- tOPV to bOPV SWITCH job aid for Cold Chain Points-Hindi
- tOPV to bOPV Poster for Cold Chain Points-English
- tOPV to bOPV Poster for Cold Chain Points-Hindi
- E-Brochure: Before the tOPV to bOPV SWITCH
- E-Brochure: After the tOPV to bOPV SWITCH
- SMSes for tOPV to bOPV SWITCH
SMNET deployment in other states to support Mission Indradhanush
Unicef India Polio Legacy Short Film
AB video polio free India
The Journey of India's Victory Over Polio - 11 February
The Last Child
Polio Booth Day
The Social Mobilization Network
Religious Leaders
Reaching Every last Child
Going Beyond Polio
The Media Campaign

Monitoring & Evaluation Framework for Polio Convergence - Uttar Pradesh
- This is the monitoring and evaluation plan for convergence in the polio programme in all 66 high-risk blocks of Uttar Pradesh (in this case from June 2010 - May 2012). The comparative matrix outlines the objective programme statement with outcome, outputs and specific activities, monitoring indicators, how frequently these indicators are reviewed in Polio task force meetings, specific values in consecutive months, district and blocks which need improvements (worst performing district-wise blocks with data), qualitative feedback on these districts/blocks, responses undertaken/planned and remarks, if any. A colour code is assigned to worst performing blocks – red for blocks which appear in worst performing list for consecutive 4 months/rounds, brown for blocks appearing in worst performing list for consecutive 3 months/rounds and blue for blocks appearing in worst performing list for consecutive 2 months/rounds. A trend analysis is then charted out for these blocks – whether neutral, positive or negative, with comments and suggestions.
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Monitoring Format for Routine Immunizaton Sessions
- A format for monitoring routine immunization sessions in Uttar Pradesh. It has details of the monitor - which organization s/he belongs to, along with the date and time of the routine immunization session monitored. It has a set of pre-defined questions with multiple responses, such as whether the session was held, who mobilized beneficiaries tot eh session site and so on. While observing an RI session, the monitor needs to tick off the options, whichever is applicable.
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High Risk Group Site Map - Construction Site
- This is a map of a high risk area with many construction sites, drawn by the Block Mobilization Coordinator (BMC). This map is of an area in Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh. The BMC carries it and uses it to plan immunization activities. From the map, the BMC knows the key sites to be visited and how far each construction site is from health services. It is constantly updated by the BMC, when new construction sites spring up.
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Block Map
- This is an example of a hand drawn map, prepared by a Block Mobilization Coordinator (BMC). This particular map is of the block of Bhopura in Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh. It shows the locations of construction sites, areas where nomads are living and slums. Residents of these locations are transient, and the BMC has to make sure they are included in the microplan for polio immunization, routine immunization and that they have access to services. The map also marks villages, roads and the health centre. It is updated by the BMC as new sites appear.
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Date Notification Poster 01st March 2009 SNID
- A street poster advertising the date of polio round (March 1 Sub-National Immunization Day) with a baby getting polio drops. The message reads, "the most special day in your baby's life". The polio campaign logo (previous logo) is at the left side bottom which reads, "every child, every time, two drops of life". The same message is repeated in Urdu. Primary message: polio vaccination
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Booth Banner
- A dated banner used at polio booths during the March Sub-National Immunization Day (here the date is given as 1 March Polio Sunday). The purpose is to help raise visibility around the polio booth location. On the left side top is the polio campaign logo (previous logo) which reads, “every child, every time. Two drops of life”. Primary message: polio vaccination
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Kosi River Operational Plan
- This plan was devised to overcome the problem of children being missed for polio immunization in Bihar because they lived in difficult to access areas. It intensifies resources in the Kosi River basin, in villages often cut off by flood waters and muddy plains, where most of the polio cases in Bihar were occuring. A grid system was established, and personnel placed in areas that are difficult for outsiders to reach. It marked a turning point in the efforts to reach every last child in Bihar with the oral polio vaccine. The plan was developed by NPSP (WHO), UNICEF and government.
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Religious Appeal - Uttar Pradesh
- An appeal from Darul Uloom Deoband, a renowned Islamic School, highly respected across India, as well as in other parts of the Indian subcontinent. Many Islamic Schools in India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Afghanistan, the United Kingdom, the United States, South Africa and other parts of the world are affiliated or theologically linked to Darul Uloom Deoband. The appeal talks about the safety of the oral polio vaccine, urging parents to give their children polio drops every time it is offered and protect them from polio. It is used by the Social Mobilization Network in Uttar Pradesh and shared with Muslim families, to convince them for polio vaccination.
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Underserved Strategy in Uttar Pradesh - A Primer for District Functionaries
- This document provides an overview of the underprivileged social communities and groups in Uttar Pradesh – who are underserved communities, their literacy levels, objective of the underserved strategy and partnerships with Muslim institutions and different sects. It also gives a comparative overview of the two Muslim sects – Deobandi and Bareilvi. The document is a primer for district level functionaries of the SMNet, which helps them in planning and implementing specific interventions and activities to reach out to children of these communities with the polio vaccine.
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Tracking and Mobilizing High-Risk Groups in Uttar Pradesh - A Primer for District Functionaries
- This document provides an overview of how vulnerable social high-risk groups are tracked and mobilized in Uttar Pradesh – who are these vulnerable social groups, their specific characteristics and traits, key heath determinants etc. Based on experiences and field observations, three major vulnerable social high-risk groups have been identified in this document – nomads, slum dwellers and migrants. The document is a primer for district level functionaries of the SMNet and helps build their understanding of these groups, for planning and implementing specific interventions so as to ensure all children under 5 years from these groups and communities are vaccinated against polio.
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High Risk Groups - Some Definitions
- This document describes the high-risk groups for the polio programme in Uttar Pradesh – who are they, where do they stay, their livelihood, specific characteristics, etc. Based on recent epidemiology and case analysis, the following four groups have been identified as the most vulnerable to polio virus transmission - brick kiln and construction workers, nomads, temporary and permanent slum dwellers and underserved communities. These common working definitions have been developed basis existing research and evidence, as well as programme monitoring data and are used by all polio programme partners to track, identify, cover and monitor these groups.
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Milk Pouch - Polio Message
- To reach every household the polio programme in Bihar forged a partnership with COMFED the milk cooperative and came up with this idea of printing the polio logo with the message of 2 drops, every child, every time.
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The 107 Block Plan
- A plan drawn up by the Government of India in 2009 to tackle the last bastions of polio in the 107 highest risk blocks. It identifies the blocks in UP and Bihar to receive the full force of the programme, and the underlying factors leading to the spread of poliovirus that needed to be addressed. Primary message: polio eradication
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Cricketers Poster
- Street poster with three famous Indian cricketers (Mohd Kaif, R P Singh and Suresh Raina) advertising a polio immunization round. It reads '28 June, Polio Sunday, give two drops of life everytime'. Primary message: polio vaccination
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TV PSA (husband & wife)
- TV PSA advertising the polio round, in which a husband jokingly tells his wife, “These polio people have come again”. To which the wife says, “It is good, after all we need to protect our baby against polio. So I will get my baby polio drops every time”. Primary message: polio vaccination
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TV PSA (mother-in-law/daughter-in-law)
- TV PSA advertising the polio round, in which a mother-in-law tells her daughter-in-law: “Polio workers come to our house then why go to the booth?” To this, the daughter-in-law says, “If by mistake they miss out our house, then…no matter what, I will take my baby to the polio booth every time”. Primary message: polio vaccination
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TV PSA (sisters-in-law)
- TV PSA advertising the polio round, showing two sisters-in-law in a conversation. One of them says, “No roads, no sanitation and so much expenditure on a polio booth”, to which the elder sister-in-law with a baby says, “If my baby is unable to walk, then what is the use of a proper road. So I will take my baby to the polio both every time”. Primary message: polio vaccination
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Radio PSA (Sub-National Immunization Day)
- Radio PSA advertising the date of the polio round (in this case 16-20 Nov Sub-National Immunization Day). The message says, “Every child, every time, two drops of life. Root out polio. Definitely get your child under 5 years polio drops during the polio round from 16-20 Nov”. Primary message: polio vaccination
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Leaflet 28th September 2008 Polio Mop-up round
- A leaflet advertising the next polio mop-up round. The message reads, "Beware. Polio has attacked again". Given below is the date of the polio mop-up round (in this case 28 Sept, Polio Sunday).
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FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) on Polio
- A leaflet with frequently asked questions on polio. The title reads, "Listen, discuss, remove doubts". It is used by community mobilizers during meetings with community leaders, influencers, Muslim religious leaders and mothers' meetings. This leaflet is used in Uttar Pradesh.
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Rally Flag
- A rally flag used by children during polio awareness rallies organized prior to polio rounds. It has the polio campaign logo (previous logo) which reads, "Two drops of life. Every child, every time". The logo message is given both in Hindi and Urdu.
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Rally Banner
- A rally banner used by children in Uttar Pradesh during polio awareness rallies. The message reads, "Two drops of polio dose, save your child's life". The same message is repeated in both Hindi and Urdu. The polio campaign logo (previous one) has the message,"Every child, every time, two drops of life".
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Radio PSA (Excuses)
- A radio PSA with four women giving different excuses for not giving polio drops to their children. First woman: I gave polio drops to Shameem last time, so I am skipping this one… second woman: My daughter has diarrhoea , otherwise I would have definitely taken her.” Third woman says, “Even my son has a cold & cough, that’s why I…” Fourth woman: I already gave Munni drops from a hospital recently, besides she is too small, otherwise I too would have given her … The voiceover then says, “Stop giving excuses. Be responsible – because real champions protect their child of up to five years of age from polio, by giving polio drops every Polio Sunday, and help eradicate this incurable disease”. The last message says, “Two drops of life, your child every time”. This PSA was developed as part of the emergency response to the last polio case reported from West Bengal, and later dubbed in other regional languages.
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List of Indicators With Definitions
- A list of indicators with definitions used by the Social Mobilisation network in Uttar Pradesh & Bihar in addition to Devinfo.
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Written Religious Appeals
- These are a series of written religious appeals. The first is from medical experts at the esteemed Aligarh Muslim University. It explains how the oral polio vaccine is made and declares that it is safe. It says the vaccine is prepared in Indonesia, a Muslim country, that it has no components banned in Islam, and Muslims need not be afraid. The appeal is signed by the heads of paediatrics, community medicine and medical colleges at the university. Other written appeals are from religious leaders in Uttar Pradesh, appealing to Muslims to take part in the pulse polio programme and have their children vaccinated. They declare good health is a gift from God, and it's our responsibility to vaccinate our children. The final written appeal also calls on the community to take part in routine immunization.
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