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- Passing on the Polio legacy- Social Mobilization Network Deployment to new locations
- Guidelines for the use of the Communication kit for the tOPV to bOPV SWITCH
- tOPV to bOPV SWITCH FAQs for Cold Chain Handlers and ANMs-English
- tOPV to bOPV FAQs for Cold Chain Handlers and ANMs-Hindi
- tOPV to bOPV SWITCH Fact Sheet-English
- tOPV to bOPV SWITCH Fact Sheet-Hindi
- tOPV to bOPV SWITCH Segregation Tape-Bilingual
- tOPV to bOPV SWITCH job aid for Cold Chain Points-English
- tOPV to bOPV SWITCH job aid for Cold Chain Points-Hindi
- tOPV to bOPV Poster for Cold Chain Points-English
- tOPV to bOPV Poster for Cold Chain Points-Hindi
- E-Brochure: Before the tOPV to bOPV SWITCH
- E-Brochure: After the tOPV to bOPV SWITCH
- SMSes for tOPV to bOPV SWITCH
SMNET deployment in other states to support Mission Indradhanush
Unicef India Polio Legacy Short Film
AB video polio free India
The Journey of India's Victory Over Polio - 11 February
The Last Child
Polio Booth Day
The Social Mobilization Network
Religious Leaders
Reaching Every last Child
Going Beyond Polio
The Media Campaign

Emergency Preparedness & Response Plan 2011
- This document is a strategic plan for protecting the polio free areas of India from wild poliovirus and for implementing high quality mopping up operations with the aim of stopping the final chains of wild poliovirus transmission.
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Knowledge Attitude & Practice Survey 2011 - Questionnaire
- Data collection tool used for Knowledge Attitude and Practice survey on polio and routine immunization among high risk areas of UP and Bihar.
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Knowledge Attitude & Practice Survey 2011 - Migrant Questionnaire
- The questionnaire used for migrants/brick kiln workers in 2011, as part of the Knowledge Attitude and Practice survey on Polio and RI among high risk groups in UP and Bihar.
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Monitoring & Evaluation Framework for 107 Block Plan
- Monitoring and evaluation framework made for 107 block plan on polio, routine immunization, WASH, nutrition and diarrhea management.
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Monitoring & Evaluation Framework - 53 Blocks of UP
- Monitoring & evaluation framework made for 53 blocks covered by UNICEF Uttar Pradesh. On Polio, RI, WASH, Nutrition and Diarrhea management. This framework is reviewed on a quarterly basis with all relevant members involved in convergence programming in the UNICEF state office. Feedback is provided to districts and blocks respectively.
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Emergency Action Plan - For West Bengal
- An emergency action plan for the state of West Bengal. Sets out what needs to happen when.
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West Bengal Organogram
- A diagram showing how the UNICEF communications programme is organised in West Bengal
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House to House Microplan - Urdu Version
- This is an Urdu version of the house-to-house microplan, which is developed prior to the polio round by the Government and WHO-NPSP with support from partners at block, district and state levels. It gives a detailed plan of the house-to-house activity with team numbers, names of team members, supervisors, including influencers and routine immunization indicators. It includes tasks, responsibilities and deadlines.The more robust the microplan, the better the verification and the less chance of missed children.
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Balloon on Polio
- A large inflated balloon advertising the date of the next polio round. The message in Bangla reads, "Polio Sunday", along with the date of the round. Held by strings, the balloon goes up high in the sky, and people can see it from far increasing its visibility.
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Polio Communicaton Strategy
- A document on UNICEF 2010-2013 Polio Communication Strategy, detailing strategic communication aproaches for polio eradication in India. This strategy is the roadmap for communication support to push through the “final inch” of the programme in India – and to cross the threshold to eradication.
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Poster on Routine Immunization for School Children
- A poster on routine immunization which comes as a package along with the comic book. It aims to encourage youth participation in the routine immunization campaign. The main message reads, "Vaccinate all children till age 1 and protect them from 7 deadly vaccine-preventable diseases". It also mentions the immunization schedule for infants and pregnant women. It is used by teachers in schools, by CMCs with school children or during adolescent meetings at the community level. The poster is also displayed in classrooms as an ongoing reminder for students.
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Facilitators Manual - For Training CMCs on Polio Plus
- A manual for training facilitators who have the job of training community mobilization coordinators (CMCs) about the key polio plus messages; polio vaccination, routine immunization, sanitation & hygiene and nutrition & diarrhea management.
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Facilitators Manual - For Training Line Managers on Polio Plus
- A manual used by training facilitators with the job of training line managers on the key messages of polio plus; including polio vaccination, routine immunization, sanitation & hygiene, nutrition & diarrhea management.
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Polio Plus Training - For CMCs (Part 1)
- A resource manual given to CMCs on the key polio plus messages; on polio vaccination, routine immunization, sanitation & hygiene and nutrition & diarrhea management. The manual is given to CMCs after a training workshop on polio plus messages, to refer back to in her daily work. This file is in two parts - see Part 2.
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Polio Plus Training - For CMCs (Part 2)
- Part 2 of a resource manual given to CMCs on the key polio plus messages; on polio vaccination, routine immunization, sanitation & hygiene and nutrition & diarrhea management. The manual is given to CMCs after a training workshop on polio plus messages, to refer back to in her daily work. This file is in two parts - see Part 2.
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Bus Panel
- Bus panel with image of famous Bollywood actor Amitabh Bachchan calling on parents for polio vaccination. It has messages on polio on the side and back panels of the bus. The main message on the side panel reads, ‘wherever you go, wherever you are, get your child polio drops every time’. The message on the pink strip at the top reads, ‘first 5 years, two drops for my child every time’. The message on the back panel reads, ‘polio has no cure, two drops every time is the right protection’. The polio campaign logo reads, ‘protection from polio, two drops for my child every time’. Primary message: polio vaccination
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Routine Immunization Reminder Sticker
- The sticker is to remind parents of children up to 5 years old to check their immunization status. When the community mobilization coordinator (CMC) enters houses, she updates the information of the child's immunization on the sticker and also writes the next date immunization is due. It is advised to keep the sticker in a location where the mother sees it everyday. It is usually stuck on her cupboard, near the kitchen area or near the bedroom.
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Routine Immunization Comic Book
- This is a comic book to encourage youth participation in the routine immunization campaign. It provides basic information on routine immunization and how children can help in the process. There is an activity sheet at the end which helps children discuss ways of participation. It is used by teachers in schools, by CMCs with school children or during adolescent meetings at the community level. The comic book can also be used as the basis for skits and plays performed by school students at school.
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District Map
- This map is carried by the Block Mobilization Coordinator (BMC) to give him or her an overall picture of the social mobilization network in his or her district. It shows the BMC areas in yellow and the number of Community Mobilization Coordinators in each block. The BMC carries a folder of maps including a district map like this one, a block map and sometimes also a map of high risk groups in his or her block. This particular map is for the district of Bijnor in western Uttar Pradesh.
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House to House Microplan
- The microplan is developed prior to the polio round by the Government and WHO-NPSP with support from partners at block, district and state levels. It gives a detailed plan of the house-to-house activity with team numbers, names of team members, supervisors, including influencers and routine immunization indicators. It includes tasks, responsibilities and deadlines. The more robust the microplan, the better the verification and the less chance of missed children.
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Government Action Plan - Uttar Pradesh
- An action plan developed by the Government of Uttar Pradesh, setting out the plan for the 66 blocks of UP at high risk of a polio outbreak. UP has 66 out of the 107 high risk blocks, identified in the Government of India's 107 Block Plan.
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Learning Strategy Document
- The learning strategy for 2010 - 2013. It sets out the capacity development plan for the social mobilization network.
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IEC Monitoring Form
- A form filled out by monitors of each polio immunization round. It shows the visibility of the IEC (information, education & communication) materials such as posters and banners. There are also sections for monitoring the quality of the partnership meetings held and house to house visits by vaccination teams. This form is given to staff from UNICEF, NPSP (WHO), Rotary and CORE, who visit the field during polio campaigns, for the purpose of monitoring. Around 4000 of these forms are filled out during each round. They are then collected by state offices and analyzed to show where improvements and corrections are needed next time around.
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District Communication Plan
- This is a sample District Communication Plan of Saharanpur district in west Uttar Pradesh. It lists out social mobilization activities in the district, down to block and community levels. The purpose of the District Communication Plan is to ensure all social mobilization activities of the SMNet are included and to avoid “stand alone” activities and communication plans of partner organizations, which sometimes lead to overlap and duplication of efforts. However, there is the flexibility to plan need-based, locally relevant activities consolidating them in the standardized template. Certain activities such as interface meetings, congregations, events - which need combined operational efforts - specific roles of partners are indicated. It also lists out details of the district SMNet team, including other polio partners working in the district, with further details of presence at the block level.
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CMC Field Book - Bihar - Key Page in English
- This is the main form duplicated many times in the CMC Field Book for Bihar. The field book is filled out by the Community Mobilization Coordinator as she/he goes house to house. It is used to record data for each household; including where there are children under five living, whether they’ve been vaccinated for polio or received routine immunization, if they were missed then why, where there are babies and pregnant women living and more. It also sets out a monthly work plan for the CMC, and has pages to summarize data that can be torn out and handed over for data collection. The Bihar version of the field book combines the routine immunisation and the supplementary immunisation sections on one page. In some cases, like on this page, pictures of faces are used to keep records, making it easier for CMCs who have low literacy.
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