Recently Added Document
- Passing on the Polio legacy- Social Mobilization Network Deployment to new locations
- Guidelines for the use of the Communication kit for the tOPV to bOPV SWITCH
- tOPV to bOPV SWITCH FAQs for Cold Chain Handlers and ANMs-English
- tOPV to bOPV FAQs for Cold Chain Handlers and ANMs-Hindi
- tOPV to bOPV SWITCH Fact Sheet-English
- tOPV to bOPV SWITCH Fact Sheet-Hindi
- tOPV to bOPV SWITCH Segregation Tape-Bilingual
- tOPV to bOPV SWITCH job aid for Cold Chain Points-English
- tOPV to bOPV SWITCH job aid for Cold Chain Points-Hindi
- tOPV to bOPV Poster for Cold Chain Points-English
- tOPV to bOPV Poster for Cold Chain Points-Hindi
- E-Brochure: Before the tOPV to bOPV SWITCH
- E-Brochure: After the tOPV to bOPV SWITCH
- SMSes for tOPV to bOPV SWITCH
SMNET deployment in other states to support Mission Indradhanush
Unicef India Polio Legacy Short Film
AB video polio free India
The Journey of India's Victory Over Polio - 11 February
The Last Child
Polio Booth Day
The Social Mobilization Network
Religious Leaders
Reaching Every last Child
Going Beyond Polio
The Media Campaign

Nomad Site Resource Map
- This is a map prepared by a Block Mobilization Coordinator (BMC) of a critical urban area of Moradabad in Uttar Pradesh, known as zone 7. It is used by the BMC track the flow of migrants in and out of a high risk area. This map shows nomadic sites in red, slums in green and a construction site in pink. It also shows the names of informers who let the BMC know when a nomadic group arrives or leaves the area. The map also shows the location of a health centre, Angadwadi centre, mosques, mandirs and schools.
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